I don't want you to get all depressed, but . . . summer is starting to head towards the finish line.
I know, I know, don't rush it. Enjoy it. I, as much as anyone, understand that. I love summer. I hate winter. I will look to fully enjoy these last 3-4 weeks of summer - to catch a few more beach days, to enjoy the later nights, grilling out, bike rides, outdoor activities.
But . . .
At The Journey we're gearing up for fall and this fall is going to be HUGE! Why?
1. Networks are kicking back into full gear and after about 2 years of getting Networks up and running I believe this year we are finally getting our sea legs and I'm looking toward a greater impact than ever before.
2. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary as a church. There are HUGE challenges. But there are also HUGE opportunities. We will look back and celebrate but we will also look forward to the future with great anticipation.
3. We will have Night Classes that will make a difference in your life. Be looking for our catalog of classes for the year - coming out in a couple weeks.
4. In October we will be doing an ALL CHURCH series called "What On Earth Am I Here For?" - it will include Sunday messages, Journey Groups, Networks, and more. If you'll jump in for this 4 week series it will make a difference in your life & it will make a difference in your connection and commitment to your church family.
5. Our Journey Teens is re-tooling & will be rolling out a new format starting this fall. We're excited about a few of the specific changes that we've had to wrestle through and we believe will bring better connections and impact for your teens.