This Thanksgiving and Christmas The Journey is participating in the "Greater Christmas Project", raising $25,000+ for three causes that are making a Greater impact. Even if you don't go to The Journey, I thought you might be interested. You get lots of requests for your generosity this time of year, but I personally believe that this project can be one of the best investments you could make.
The first cause is our partnership with the House of Hope Home orphanage in Kenya, Africa. We have partnered in huge ways with them over the last 6 years and have taken two trips to Kenya with a third trip coming up this next June. We will be providing a Methane gas digester that will take cow manure and turn into fuel for cooking in their kitchen (indoors!!). We will also be buying a cow so kids can have milk to drink (and fuel for the cooking :-). Lastly, we will be supplying a solar pump to help get running water to the orphanage for the first time!!
The second cause will be buying chairs for a second Journey site on the north side of Muskegon. Did you know that nearly 70% of people who attend The Journey weren't attending church before they arrived here. By helping to provide chairs, you're helping people meet Jesus, restore marriages, find healing, build legacies. We've seen it over and over again these last nine years. This money WILL make a significant difference.
Lastly, the third cause will be to maintain & expand Journey Kids at both Journey sites. We believe these little ones can grow up to impact the world, stay married, raise healthy kids, serve their communities, and make a real difference. Your gifts help make that possible.
So, if you'd like to be part of the solution, if you'd like to do something Greater, something lasting, you can simply click here! to donate. Just follow the instructions like you would on Amazon and when given the choice mark your donation for "Greater Christmas Project".