In our family we have a core value: "We'll do whatever God tells us to do, no matter what". I heard someone put it this way one time: we need to say "Yes" to God, even before we hear the question.
That's all well and good, but it's really difficult. I almost get the sense that if you're willing to say that, you're probably going to be tested by God in it, and probably with something that's really hard to say "yes" to. It's not that I think God is just trying to mess with you, but that God is looking for some people who will truly live that out.
If we're willing to do whatever God wants us to do, no matter what . . . He can do something serious with that! If we're willing to say "yes" to God no matter what He asks . . . God can rock out some serious Kingdom impacting stuff with that person.
So, what if I say that and God tells me to:
*break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend
*get rid of our t.v.
*put a security filter on my computer
*tell someone about my addiction
*quit my job
*start that new non-profit
*give more of my money away
see . . . I told you saying "yes" to God is a lot tougher than it might sound. BUT, if you can do that, I guarantee that you will soar to new heights in your relationship with God and you will be well on your way to experiencing your best life.
Now, if I can just get myself to do that consistently.