I'm not one of those Christians that think Halloween is horrible and I can only attend "Harvest Parties". I think for most people, Halloween is a day to dress up and take pictures with their kids, and watch their kids excitedly run up to a home and get some candy (which then, they steal slowly, one at a time).
Here's what I think Halloween is: A built in opportunity to befriend and connect with your neighbors and community. We're called to share the love and hope of Jesus with those around us and Halloween gives us the opportunity to love people (because Jesus calls us to love people).
So, don't miss the opportunity! Here's something you can do: Instead of candy, give a cheesy tract about how there's a real hell & if these little kids don't want to end up there, they should follow Jesus! (I'M JUST KIDDING!! PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!!)
But, you could:
*have hot cider, coffee, tea, whatever for parents as they walk around with their kids!
*Have some of the best candy on the block!
*Give special bags to the kids right around you - pack it full of candy (and the good kind)
*Go with your kids to the neighbors house! Don't just stand back at the street, walk right up with them. If you don't know them, introduce yourself. If you do know them, touch base.
MAKE Halloween count! Have fun everyone. Stay warm.