Here's some things that you might not know about The Journey:
*When we started, Matt oversaw: Music, Tech, Creative/print, finances, and Journey Teens. I oversaw: speaking, hosts & coffee bar, Journey Kids, Journey Groups. Yeah, I'm not really sure how it happened (of course "oversaw" doesn't mean I was good at it)
*We have over 100 people who volunteer in Journey Kids in the rooms, and in check-in! (That volunteer base is larger than the average CHURCH in the U.S.
*We don't really have offices at The Journey. There is an "office/storage area" with some work spaces. I'm not complaining, we like it that way, and we needed to utilize every space we possibly could in our building.
*Before our first baptism at The Journey, our portable "tank" flooded 1/2 the auditorium!
*We once through cantaloupe & a T.V. off the roof of our building for a video.
*For the first 2 1/2 years Matt & I raised our own salaries to get The Journey started.
*We've given through gifts, supplies, trips, and partnerships - over $100,000 towards the House of Hope Home in Kenya.
*That the offerings at The Journey cover ALL of the expenses, rent, salaries, insurance, etc. - we have no outside organization that helps meet those needs.
*We've had 70 people baptized at The Journey in the last 3 years.