I remember other pastors telling me that once they got to 300, 400, 500, 700 (whatever number), that it got easier - they got into a rhythm, a pattern. There was a sense like they felt they had arrived. Just do their thing, coast a little bit.
I've also had people tell me recently that it must feel good having all the people we have attending. They get the sense that we've arrived and even as a pastor, that I can coast a little bit.
I feel SO FAR FROM THAT, it's ridiculous. There is so much yet to be done. So much more impact we can have together. So many more people along the lakeshore to reach. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US at The Journey have friends, co-workers, neighbors, family that are disconnected from God and relationship with Jesus. That means there's still work to be done. And, if you don't have ANYONE like that in your sphere of influence, you need to make some new friends and start opening yourself up to the mission that God has for you!!
I still feel like we could close the doors on any given Sunday. Like people just won't show up and we'll have to shut it down. I don't know if that will ever go away or not. I certainly hope we NEVER get to the point where we feel like we've arrived and can coast!
Journey . . . we still have so much to do! So much to impact. So much to give. So much to share. So much to serve. It will take all of us! But, are best days are yet ahead of us. We aren't even close to having arrived yet! And I can't wait for the next part of the journey.