All this week I'll be doing a series on what to do when times are tough and looking at the spiritual implications for our lives as well. I'll throw in a few other things this week, but I'll focus on this.
With the recession in full swing, the auto bailout dangling by a thread, and the threat of it growing worse - I find it interesting that any weekend night in Muskegon all the restaurants are packed. This certainly isn't your grandpa's or great-grandpa's depression . . . yet.
With that being said, when times are tough - one of the first things we need to do, is simply BE WISE. You may not be able to go out to eat as often, spend so freely, buy as many Christmas presents, and that's okay!! It's only for a season. So be wise now, so you can live more freely later. You may not be able to do what you've always done. But, that isn't the end of the world. Rediscover family games, date nights at home, and mac-n-cheese. In the process you may remind your whole family that happiness, peace, joy isn't found in stuff. Huh . . . sounds a little bit like the Christmas Conspiracy! Next time, I'll share with you a sure fire way to make it through the tough times with flying colors.